Lavender-scented Journey
From anxiety-relief to healing, how essential oils changed my life
Talking to Patricia Lim, Head of HR at AF Payments, can feel like you’re having a soothing session at the spa, complete with a lavender aroma wafting in the air, and a warm cup of green tea in hand. Her smile is serene, and her voice sounds calming and reassuring, as though she is your long time friend, whom you always go to when you need to be reminded that everything is going to be okay. You might immediately think that standing in front of an audience doesn’t faze Patricia, who is a self-confessed people person, but she admits: “If I have a very important presentation, I use pure, essential oils for courage. There are lots of oils available, and it really works! Like lavender—which is the most common of the essential oils—lavender is the most relaxing kind, and it’s so fragrant.” Patricia, who has been into oiling since 2018, shares: “Getting into oils was my start in embracing my wellness journey. My family and I have been enjoying using these oils together, and we have been living a toxin-free home that has protected me and my family from getting sick.” She goes on to describe the different types of oils, and pins down her favorites: frankincense and a special mix she made herself, which she named “Joy”. “Frankincense is my go-to oil at night. I make sure that I do my rituals, and pray before I sleep. When I wake up, I put on Joy on my chest, and deeply breathe it in to infuse joy into my day, and start it right.”
Also passionate about practicing yoga and meditation, Patricia moves with natural ease, and speaks with a grounded presence. “One of the benefits of the oils that I appreciate, especially during the pandemic and times of stress and anxiety, is how these have improved my emotional wellness. It has helped me manage my emotions in dealing with all the negativity this pandemic has brought into our lives. It calms, focuses, and clears my mind, and helps me come up with better solutions and decisions.”

Mia Bontol Colborne